More Beautiful Liberty Baubles

Louise from the studio has made these Beautiful Liberty Baubles.  She’s used the tiniest of scraps for this project which shows it is wise never to throw even the smallest scrap of Liberty away.

Beautiful Liberty Baubles

Louise says: “I used the tiny scraps left over from the card making which used the Christmas charms.  They were so small that I was tempted to throw them away but can never bring myself to do that.  I kept them as I just knew that I’d find a craft project to suit.  I’d bought some similar clear glass baubles before and I wanted to use the same type – they are clearer than the cheaper plastic ones.  I experimented with one colour first and then moved onto a mixture of two complimentary colours.  They are simple to make as the silver top can be removed to stuff the fabric inside and then replaced when I was happy with the result.  I really love the result.  It’s an inexpensive way to bring some Liberty glam to my tree. I also love the fact that this project uses up fabric that would otherwise have been waste.”

Beautiful Liberty Baubles

I love these Louise – thanks for sharing.